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City Circle Berlin: Best of Berlin Tour
10 % discount on the full-paying adult ticket*
Explore the city
Start: possible at any of the 20 stopping points

City Circle Potsdam: Best of Potsdam Tour
20 % discount on the full-paying adult ticket*
Explore the city
Start: Potsdam Hauptbahnhof, Babelsberger Straße

Expeditions with Birgit L.
20 % off the tour price*
Explore the city
On the steps of the Nordbahnhof, 10115 Berlin

Foxtrail - Scavenger Hunt Sightseeing Escape Game
15% on Standard Foxtrail
Explore the city
Foxtrail Friedrichstraße 133, 10117 Berlin

Hotrod Tour Berlin
20% discount on the total booking on working days*
Extraordinary Experiences Explore the city
Revaler Straße 99, 10245 Berlin

Kaiser Friedrich
20 % off all tickets and tours*
Explore the city
Anna-Louisa-Karsch-Straße 2, 10178 Berlin

MS DIVA - Boat City Tour
5€ on the 3-hours city tour
Explore the city
Bulgarische Straße / Poetensteig, 12435 Berlin

Oldie Käfer Tour Berlin
10% for 2-hours Beetle or Beetle-Cabrio rental, 20% for 4-hours Beetle or Beetle-Cabrio rental
Explore the city
Leipziger Platz 9, 10117 Berlin

Original Berlin Walks - Discover Berlin Tour
2 € per EasyCityPass holder and tour
Explore the city
Neue Promenade 3, 10178 Berlin

Original Berlin Walks - Discover Potsdam Tour
2 € per EasyCityPass holder and tour*
Explore the city
Neue Promenade 3, 10178 Berlin

Original Berlin Walks - Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp Memorial Tour
2 € per EasyCityPass holder and tour*
Explore the city
Neue Promenade 3, 10178 Berlin