
The city ticket for explorers

EasyCityPass advantages

more than one ticket
Public transport and discounts
different validities
24h, 48h, 72h, 4-6 days, 7 days
free travel with public transport
Underground, S-Bahn, Bus, Tram, Ferry

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WestLicht Museum - Center for Photography

Museums & Exhibitions

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Exciting interviews with our discount partners, recommendations from the editorial team and interesting news from our community can be found on our blog.


7 Fragen an Alternative Berlin Tours

7 questions for Alternative Berlin Tours: To understand Berlin, you have to walk. With Alternative Berlin Tours, you get uniquely designed walking tours. You walk through different neighborhoods that somehow bump into each other and whose stories are hidden on every corner and in front of every building.

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Why EasyCityPass

The EasyCityPass is more than just a ticket. Whether you are travelling for a day, a weekend or a week - the EasyCityPass is your most convenient and best travel companion.

A ticket for public transport and discounts at countless partners in the areas of gastronomy, culture & museums, shopping, fun & action, sightseeing and nightlife - the benefits are countless.

With the EasyCityPass, at least one child up to and including 14 years of age can travel free of charge. Experience and discover Berlin or Vienna with the EasyCityPass.

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You can buy your EasyCityPass in these apps.

