Belvedere Palace, tulips, sunny day Photo: Olaf Luft

10 insider tips for Vienna

Here you get the only true insider tips of Vienna - tested and approved by the editors of the EasyCityPass Vienna.

  1. evening at the Danube Canal at the "Hafenkneipe "
  2. adventure world Kahlenberg
  3. Shopping around the Neubaugasse
  4. Cake at the Hofzuckerbäcker Gerstner
  5. Culture at the Haydn residence
  6. Fiaker at the central cemetery
  7. Käsekrainer at the "Würstelstand - Zum scharfen René "
  8. Dried fruit as a souvenir from the Naschmarkt
  9. Morning in the palace park of the Belvedere
  10. The Heurigen in the 19th district

1. the bars at the Danube Canal. "Die Blumenwiese", "Strandbar Herrmann", "KLYO" or "Motto am Fluß" - are all highly recommended for a little time out or to end the evening well.

BUT nothing beats your visit to the "Hafenkneipe" (harbor pub) and a drink on the quay wall.

Family sitting on the quay wall in the sunshine, drinks in hand Photo: Olaf Luft
"Hafenkneipe" - harbor pub

2. Vienna from above is unique, if you have seen it from the "Aqua Terra Zoo" or the "Ferris wheel in the Prater".

BUT nothing beats your view from the treetops of the climbing park on the Kahlenberg. The way back via the "Nasenweg" is legendary.

3. Shoppen on the "Kärtner Straße" means a lot of money for good things. Shopping on the "Mariahilfer Straße" means a huge selection for everyone.

BUT nothing beats your stroll in Neubaugasse and its parallel and side streets. Here you store with heart, of course also at our partner "Die Piratin hat den besten Stoff".

4. You can't leave Vienna without buying or eating a Sacher Torte. Buying a Sacher Torte is easy, even at the airport. Eating at the "Hotel Sacher" is more difficult and can only be done by advance order. Attention: the next guest is already behind your chair.

BUT nothing beats a piece of cake, also Sacher cake, in the beautiful Beletage of the Palais Todesco of the "K. u. K. Hofzuckerbäcker Gerstner".

Bird's eye view, table with two plates, pieces of cake, ceiling reflected in table Photo: Olaf Luft
No cake is not a solution either

5. The "Mozarthaus" and the "Haus der Musik" are the flagships of the musical museums in Vienna.

BUT visit the home of Joseph Haydn in the 6th district.

6. no insider tip, but next to a Sachertorte the most Viennese is a Fiaker tour from St. Stephen's Cathedral through the city center.

BUT not is comparable and nearly as touching as your Fiakertour of our partner Frank Wulf Fiakerbetrieb through the Central Cemetery and with its prominent residents.

7. The quick snack is also available in Vienna. What currywurst is to Berlin, Käsekrainer is to Vienna. You can get it at any sausage stand.

BUT you can get the best ones at the "Würstelstand - Zum scharfen René" at Schwarzenbergplatz.

8. Souvenirs are popular with everyone, whether from "Swarovski" on Kärntner Straße or from "Manner" at St. Stephen's Cathedral - with nice presents you are always right.

BUT nothing beats the delicious dried fruits from the Naschmarkt. You won't get them anywhere as good as here.

9. An evening stroll along the Danube Canal is great.

BUT nothing beats your morning round through the park of the "Belvedere Palace". If you still have time, come by again during the day and marvel at the unique KLIMT exhibition in the castle.

Belvedere Palace, tulips, sunny day Photo: Olaf Luft
Belvedere Palace

10. You are a Vienna connoisseur, of course, if you know all the corners of the 1st district from the Hofburg to the Mozarthaus.

BUT you are a Vienna insider if you have sat at least once at the Heurigen in Nussdorf, Grinzing, or Heiligenstadt.

Vienna is more than "Hofburg" and "Schönbrunn". Vienna is a city of discovery. Nothing stops you from becoming a Vienna Insider. Start now.

Insider Tip Explore Vienna