Wiener Seife - Viennese soap


Herrengasse 6, 1010 Vienna

Fare Zone Core Zone

U3 Herrengasse

10 % on soaps*

Traditional Viennese soap manufactory

Vienna's oldest handed-down soap recipe - well-being culture and care in its purest form. Wiener Seife is a traditional Viennese brand that has set itself the task of bringing more value and enjoyment back into our bathrooms and spreading awareness of soap as a Viennese cultural asset far beyond its borders.

Soap manufactory in the 10th district of Vienna

In its soap factory in Vienna's 10th district, which was renovated in 2021, around 70 types of soap are made by hand using the traditional Viennese soap recipe and cold-stirring process. Every step, from mixing the raw materials to cutting and packaging the soap bars, is carefully done by hand. The soap mass is gently stirred without the addition of heat and then refined with exquisite oils, plant extracts, and fragrance essences. This gives each type of soap its consistency, nurturing effect, and fragrance. The high proportion of organic care oils naturally cleanses the skin and provides lasting care.

With your EasyCityPass Vienna, you get 10% off all soaps from Seifenmanufaktur.*

Production of Viennese soap

To shape the soap, the finished soap mass is poured into wooden boxes, matured for several days, and then cut by hand on a cast-iron cutting machine that is over 130 years old. The soap bars are wrapped in slightly transparent parchment paper and an elegant paper banderole. Each individual bar is not only made with skill and dedication but also with a good dose of Viennese charm. In addition to the tried-and-tested classics such as "N°23 Viennese Rose", "N°20 Sisi Violet" and "N°05 Blue Danube", newer creations such as the garden and kitchen soap "N°59 Lemongrass" and "N°62 Amour" for sensual hours have also been introduced over the years.

You can buy the Viennese soap here

The fragrant soaps are available with EasyCityPass Vienna discount (10% off all soaps*) in two stores in the first and third districts:

- Herrengasse 6, 1010 Vienna (10 am – 6 pm)
- Hintzerstraße 2, 1030 Vienna (10 am – 1:30 pm & 2 pm – 6 pm)

Visit to the soap factory

The centerpiece is and remains the Viennese soap factory in the 10th district, which can also be visited by appointment. Here you can experience a real piece of Viennese tradition in an area of 1100 m². The in-house museum guides you through the millennia-old history of soap, while a tour of the soap boiler provides exclusive insights into the art of soap boiling.

Your Benefit with EasyCityPass Vienna: 10 % on soaps*

* excluding promotions, already reduced items & merchandise


For current opening hours please visit our partner’s website!


Wheelchair accessible gluten free halal friendly Child friendly Air conditioning Non smoking
