Austrian Dinner Show
Live on stage Delicious Food & drinks

Rathausplatz 1, 1010 Vienna
Fare Zone Core Zone
1, 71, D Rathausplatz, Burgtheater
free upgrade to VIP tickets worth €15*
Regional cuisine & music in Vienna's Rathauskeller
From the Tyrolean mountains to Salzburg, via the Salzkammergut and the Wachau to the grand finale in Vienna, the musical journey takes you through Austria. The "Austrian Dinner Show" in Vienna's Rathauskeller will spoil you with the best regional delicacies and Austria's best-known melodies. With EasyCityPass Vienna you get a free upgrade to a VIP ticket worth €15*.
Polka, Viennese waltz
The lively "Landler" from the Alpine region, the most beautiful sounds of the Salzburg region, the fast-paced polkas, and the famous Viennese waltzes - let yourself be enchanted when the musicians of the ensemble, accompanied by excellent singers and spirited dancers, present Austria's musical treasures in a colorful show.
Located in the heart of Vienna - directly on the Ringstrasse - in the vaulted cellars of the famous Vienna City Hall, the halls and parlors of the Wiener Rathauskeller, offer a unique ambiance. Here the tradition of Viennese hospitality is continued at a high level.
Three varied show blocks
Between the courses you will experience a lively program, divided into three varied show blocks. During dinner, the orchestra will entertain you with atmospheric Viennese salon music!
Your Benefit with EasyCityPass Vienna: free upgrade to VIP tickets worth €15*
*When booking online, please select the "normal" ticket and add the text "Valid EasyCityPass Vienna - Upgrade VIP free of charge" in the comment field. (Attention: please do not book the VIP ticket!).
*The show takes place from March to December. Current show days can be found on the website.
For current opening hours please visit our partner’s website!