
Extraordinary Experiences Explore the city

Johannesgasse 21, 1010 Vienna

Fare Zone Core Zone

U4 Stadtpark, U1, U3 Stephansplatz, U1, U4 Karlsplatz

2 Weihburggasse

2a Schwarzenbergplatz

15% discount on all guided tours*

Sightseeing for time travelers

Explore Vienna on a unique journey through time, where the history of the city unfolds before your eyes with the help of virtual reality.

Discover Vienna now and then

Experience the Vienna of today on a city tour and then immerse yourself in the Vienna of past centuries using VR glasses. The scenes are structured chronologically and you are introduced to the history of Vienna in short sections using additional images and text material. Enjoy the unique experience of a virtual journey through time in combination with a challenging but entertaining and humorous city tour.

Experience history like never before

Discover the UNESCO World Heritage Site, the historic city center of Vienna and the exciting history of sieges, plague, war and peace. Our customized 360-degree 3D animations in virtual reality bring history to life in an unprecedented way. We offer guided tours in various languages. In addition to German, we also offer audio guided tours in English, Spanish, French, Italian and Dutch.

Your Benefit with EasyCityPass Vienna: 15 % discount on all guided tours*. Please write an e-mail to info@vrtoursvienna.com to receive your voucher code for the booking.

*Discount applies to all tours according to the website.


For current opening hours please visit our partner’s website!


Wifi Non smoking Child friendly Wheelchair accessible
