Gaming Museum Vienna

Museums & Exhibitions

Fritz-Grünbaum-Platz 1, 1060 Wien

Fare Zone Core Zone

U3 Neubaugasse

13 A, 14 A, 57A Haus des Meeres

15 % discount on the regular admission price*

History of computer and arcade games

A journey into the world of the 80s and 90s that you can experience up close. At the Gaming Museum Vienna, history comes to life when visitors have the opportunity to play in past gaming eras and explore the latest technologies at the same time.

The Gaming Museum in Vienna is more than just a collection of exhibits - it's an interactive playground for gamers of all ages. Immerse yourself in the colorful pixel world of the 80s, where classics such as Pac-Man, Space Invaders, and Super Mario Bros. await you on consoles that are true to the original. Feel the nostalgia as you hold the iconic controllers and throw yourself into the challenges of times gone by. You can enjoy all this with your EasyCityPass Vienna with a 15% discount on the regular admission price*.

3D adventure in the 90s

The 90s brought forth a plethora of 3D adventures and dynamic gameplay. From Sonic the Hedgehog to legendary role-playing games, visitors can relive the CD era of gaming. Authentic consoles and displayed collector's items transport guests straight back to their youth.

Yet the Gaming Museum isn't just a journey into the past. The latest computers, consoles, and virtual reality experiences of the present await discovery. The diversity of the gaming world is showcased through high-definition graphics and immersive gameplay that harnesses the most cutting-edge technologies.

Milestones of the gaming industry

Exhibits are meticulously crafted to showcase the evolution of gaming from its inception to the modern era. Information about gaming industry milestones, from iconic game franchises to the most innovative technologies, allows visitors to delve deep into the world of gaming.

Whether you're seeking a nostalgic trip down memory lane or an exploration of the latest gaming trends, the Gaming Museum caters to all. Connect with like-minded enthusiasts, exchange memories, and experience the evolution of gaming firsthand.

Your Benefit with EasyCityPass Vienna: 15 % discount on the regular admission price*

*The discount is to be redeemed on the spot at the cash desk


For current opening hours please visit our partner’s website!


Pet friendly Child friendly Non smoking Wifi


Frequently asked questions about the partner Gaming Museum Vienna